Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the complete Wixth chapter 1


The world had fallen into dark times; the vampire ancients ruled the world and the thought of not only vampires actually existed but also that they were actually strong enough to rule the world drove many people to madness. Daray was a nurse at the Roman manicomio (asylum). With it’s dark, grey, brick walls and dead plants it tended to keep people away. She tried to help as many people as she could, but sometimes there simply wasn't much she could do for them.

It seemed like any regular day at the asylum when a new patient came in. Somehow he seemed different from the others. Not only was he one of the worst cases she'd ever seen, but he also seemed rather familiar. When they brought him in he was screaming and desperately thrashing against his restraints, trying to bite anyone who got near his mouth.

The doctors said that they had found him horribly beat up on a city street; he had a huge gash in his forehead, several broken ribs, and both his arms had multiple fractures. Once he had physically recovered from his brutal beating in the hospital (a miraculously fast recovery), he started talking in his sleep about somebody chasing him with dogs and they had took him to the asylum. The hospital attendants had said that according to his id, his name was Rendor

Daray was sitting next to his bed, watching him sleep. He started moving around, mumbling about Quirinus, Atli, and Chang Quin (otherwise known as Romulus, Sun Tzu, and Attila the Hun). Daray was instantly terrified because she knew that these were the three vampire ancients that ruled the world with cruelty. She gently reached towards his hand.

He opened his eyes wide as soon as she took his hand. He looked up at her in recognition and whispered something. She leaned her head towards his odd, almost surreal face and he said it again.

"Angel...save me." An electric shock ran up Daray’s arm and she saw a flash of white as the shock ran through her body.

The next thing she knew, she was opening her eyes to plain blue walls and the sounds of medical equipment. Someone had moved her to one of the beds in the infirmary at the manicomio. She listened and heard voices outside her door.

"What happened to her?"

"Our doctors aren’t sure. She seems perfectly healthy! It is, however, very weird that she fainted just a few seconds before that man..." the voices faded away as the men walked down the hall.

Had something happened to Rendor? Why had he seemed so familiar? Why had she fainted? She questioned herself as she sat up and looked in the mirror next to her bed.

As soon as she saw her reflection, she froze. What had happened to her? Her eyes were blue! But now they were a sparkly purple! It was almost as if she were a.... no ... she grimaced at her reflection and almost fainted again at what she saw. She had two pairs of fangs. Daray had turned into a vampire


Quirinus snapped his head up to look at Leonardo Da Vinci. "What did you say?" he asked menacingly.

"I said,” stated Leonardo "that out scientists may have bee successful in the experiment. They may have found another way to create vampires. Unfortunately, there are … a few problems with it."

"What are the problems?"

"Well, it needs a relatively powerful vampire-"

"That shouldn't be a problem for us" Quirinus cut him off.

"-it also … seems to kills the vampire that does it."

Quirinus cringed inwardly when he heard that "...Well, that's a bit more problematic. What exactly is the theory?"

Leonardo read off of a paper "The vampire has to be dying, and must have eye contact with the human. Then, as a dying effort to continue living, they push their vampire ‘entity’ into the human, thereby creating a new vampire. So far it's only a theory though."

"Not one that that I believe we have to test" said Quirinus after a moments thought. "What would the point be in killing one vampire only to create another, probably weaker one?"

The conversation was over and Quirinus dismissed Leonardo after whispering one more thing into his ear "Let's not tell anyone about this little theory, shall we? And that includes Atli and Chang Quin" Leonardo nodded hesitantly and left.


Daray was panicking. How could she possibly have become a vampire? She hadn't had any dreams for months! That was the only way vampires were created! Wasn’t it? Another excellent question was why she had purple eyes. She knew that human’s eyes changed when they became vampires but she'd never seen a vampire with purple eyes. She'd only ever heard of one, in rumors and whispers

She thought back to one such rumor she'd heard...

"Ever heard about that true ancient?" murmured the bartender, nudging her.

"The true ancient?" she had asked.

"The only female vampire! They say even the ancients are afraid of her! Imagine it! I've heard she has purple eyes and is stronger than Atilla the Hun, smarter than Romulus, and more calculating than Sun Tzu! The most powerful vampire in the world!" claimed the bartender in reverence.

"But I thought that the ancients didn't make female vampires?" She asked, confused.

"Oh aye, they don't. But she's the true ancient! The first vampire!"

"That's not what I heard!" yelled out another customer "I heard that she was actually a time traveler and went back in time to create Romulus because she knew that if she didn't, she would never exist! I heard that the ancients don't make women vampires because they're afraid that if they do they'll create her and she'll kill them!"

Daray left then, thinking rather skeptically as the bartender and customer continued they’re heated argument.

Suddenly she remembered where she had met Rendor before. He had been the customer whom had known about the True Ancient. She thought back to the moment before she had passed out and realized something. When Rendor had opened his eyes, they had been sparkly and surreal, and when he had opened his mouth to speak she realized that he had had to sets of fangs.

Rendor had been a vampire. Was it possible that there was another way to create vampires? Had Rendor been the one that had turned her into a vampire? If he was a vampire how had he died? She didn't know, but she did know that she needed to find out.


“Sir! Update on Rendor Josephson!” exclaimed Julius Caesar.

“Yes? What is it? Did you catch him yet?” asked Chang Quin (one of the ancients), the leader of their military.

“Well…not exactly sir. He… he got away…sir” Caesar said, looking worried.

He had good reason to be worried, Chang Quin was famous for his temper, and he was furious “What? You let him get away?”

“I’m very sorry sir! We did all we could!” He begged as Chang Quin banged his hand on the table and shot up, walking towards him. “But there is good news sir!”

He stopped his advance at Caesar and leaned back against the table “good news?”

“Yes sir! We have just learned that Josephson has died!” Caesar was now talking rapidly “we’re not sure exactly how but we know that he died on the 15th of December 1215 at 12:15 pm CET in the roman manicomio.”

“Excellent, excellent. Find out which one, and how exactly he died as soon as you can.” Chang Quin said, as he seeming to calm down a bit. “And is there any news from our scientists about the experiment?

Julius hesitated for a moment, remembering the threat he’d heard about from Leonardo “No news yet sir.”

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