Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Vampire lessons?

Ok, so the coliseum is not just a place for the ancients to rule the world from, and not just a place for Vampire scientists, it is a vampire school, almost like a college. They teach lessons on vampire history (so for example, what famous people were truly vampires, such as Leonardo Da Vinci was a vampire. Also they teach what they usually teach in history...except the true version, more on this later), languages (more on this later), vampire biology (more on this later), human and vampire culture, vampire medicine, economics, politics, chemistry, literature, physics, math, journalism, psychology, philosophy, art, music, p.e., (more on all these classes later) pretty much everything they teach in regular college except their based on vampires instead of humans, and they're all on a higher level of intellect (vampires, on a basis, are smarter than humans).

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